Amen , Brother Daye Jnr reported the following:


Community: Late Mr Man's Village

Restoration Bible and Agriculture Institute.

Date: Saturday, August 26,2023. As a Church, we met after missing a session due to the Chariot trip to Tubmanburg Bomi County, last week. As usual, mutual time observed and much relief was observed on the faces of the members unlike our first session where they were so depressed about the lost of their host, Mr Mann. Hopefulness, joy, worthiness and confidence were expressed by the members outwardly. Prayer was offered by brother Titus for the emotions , after which worship activities were observed. Two choruses were sung by Olalay (Old lady) the wife of Mr Jersey in the long green chair. Illustrations of the Lord's supper and giving done respectively after reading the required scriptures for each activity. Olaylay promised to bring her friend in the next session, while Mr Jersey promised to bring his Bible out in the next session. Siaffa their son promised to do the reading in our next session.

James 4:13,14 was used as an encouraging word to hold unto until our time of next meeting. We should always put God first in anything that we want to do as our life is like vapour that can vanish away at anytime.

Acts 16:25 -34 was used for our sword discovery about God, man, examples and commands. It was explained to the members that this is a tool that is used to teach disciples in order to understand what is said by God or about God, man, good or bad examples, and types of commands discovered. Also for everyone to be able to adopt these discoveries personally.

It was discovered that the Holy spirit freed Paul and Silas in the jail, and also the baptism of the jailer and his household in the name of the Father, son and Holy Spirit. It was discovered that songs of praises were sung to the Lord in prison.

We discovered that Paul and Silas were imprisoned, the jailer was about to kill himself, and he and his household were baptized at midnight.

Good examples discovered include, the acceptance of Christ by the jailer and his household, followed by their instant baptism.

Commands discovered include the forbidden of the jailer to kill himself by Paul and the asking of the jailer to receive Christ to be saved.

Olaylay exclaimed that baptism can be done at anytime, andJersey disclosed that praising God can please Him to do wonderful things, while Sarah said that it is good to include your relatives in the salvation plan.

As a result, Siaffa said that 'He Will' always praise God either in time of joy or happiness. Jersey said that 'He Will' not allow anyone to harm himself for his sake. He boldly promised to attend the Jones Town CoC with Olaylay week after next as they will be having a family meeting tomorrow. Sarah said that she will always accept Christ immediately he is preached to her and that even lead to her immediate baptism two months ago by the Restoration students.

This session ended with prayer offered by Siaffa, one of the members.

Session will continue next week at the same time and place.

Written and presented by Varney Phody

God Bless .

Amen Brother Varney and the Team. This is really great and exciting, keep it up for Jesus ! Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .