Amen, Brother Ismael from Nashville Church of Christ has reported the following

I am excited to report that we successfully hosted the 4 Fields Discipleship Training Program from 1st - 6th August for a period of 1 hour daily. We appreciate the services we got from Minister Mashaba. It was excellent. The brutal facts challenged us as a church. We have noted with concern that we have a lot of work to do around Nashville. From our membership, only 0.03% have received Christ from Nashville community. We have accepted this challenge and will go into the field equipped with tools to evangelize the lost.

I am happy that most participants were able to remodel the tools as taught by our facilitator. The facilitator was excellent in his teaching, he used a more participative approach where members were often grouped and gave feedback after discussions. We were also asked to remodel the models presented on the whiteboard. All these participative teaching methodologies made it easier for the members to master the concepts.

For the coming weeks, I will be doing the training to the whole congregation to cater for those who did not attend due to various reasons which were beyond their control.

We look forward to have Auswich in the near future so that he equips us with other tools of evangelizing the lost in the world.

Amen brother Ishmael and especially Auswish for having taught the 4 Fields Discipleship Tools at your congregation. Yes brother, we train the saved so that they train others. Praying for you as you train others who were absent. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved.