Amen, Bright Himakampa has reported the following

My two Timothys Stanley Lutenta and Manasseh Keenabanyama had gone back to Nansenga Church of Christ in the outskirts of Lusaka city for the second touch and held the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training on Saturday partially Sunday. It is a slowly growing church meeting in a house. Below is what Stanley reported.

We started from Kafue to Nansenga at 9 O’Clock. We reached the place at 9.30 Hrs. We only found three members so we had to wait for other members to arrive. We started the program at 11.00 exactly. We started the program from the scratch since some members were new to the program. They were not there when the program was introduced when I previously went there for the first touch. We started by looking at the BIG VISION and some of the parts and tools were taught using a projector through a screen which was traditionally made.We also looked at the CLEAR PATH through the four fields i.e first field is the Empty which is the Entry plan, the Seeded part which is the Gospel, the growing part which is Discipleship and the Harvest part which is the Church and finally the Leadership Movement Multiplication.

When we had done with the Big Vision, Clear Paths we looked at the Tools used in the four fields. We first looked at the first two tools which are taught in the Entry plan of the first field. These tools are the Relational Map and Person of Peace or House of Peace.After that we also taught the other two tools found on the second field, that is the 15 Sec Testimony and the Three Cycles. Because of time the program ended at 17.00 Hrs. We were 9 in attendance the first day. Then on Sunday we were given time to teach one Tool#5: Baptism Hammer during Bible study before the Sunday Service. We look forward to going back and do the third touch teaching Fields 3, 4 and Leadership Development Multiplication tools remained.

Keep on praying for Stanley and Manasseh, there still on inception and fast becoming Trainers with the zeal.

Amen brothers. God is working in your lives as you equip others. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved