Amen, Duncan and team have reported the following

Yesterday on 10th/12/2021 Maanda Wilson, Manda Simon, and Ajambo Lucy traveled to Luuka district with the Gospel Chariot. We gathered at the Nawanyango Church of Christ. The gathering was very big for over a hundred people, and fifty-three were baptized.

Before baptizing people, we started with training the people on the four fields tools. After Simon had trained the 3 circles that is Jesus story the people were very much excited about it and praised how practical and simple it is to apply. So as it is our custom during the training, we invited two trainees to come and reproduce the 3 circles. They did a good job in reproducing, but when it came to asking the three questions, they did well in asking the first two questions, but they struggled to ask the third question, that is, “what is hindering you from accepting Christ Jesus and be baptized?”

Questions were still many about baptism, yet time was not on our side. So we pulled out the baptism hammer. By the time we finished teaching it, most members were smiling and nodding their heads to how effective the tool was; so there were no more questions on baptism. We headed out for baptism and after gathering those to be baptized, Mr. Wilson prayed for them and baptism commenced. I was at the baptistery taking pictures of those who were being baptized, but there was a man who caught my eyes. He was in his early thirties; he was putting on a white shirt. This man climbed the Chariot finding his way through the people to the baptistery; he had a serious face and could not wait to enter into the water. As the previous person was coming out of the water, this man immediately entered the water with his sandals. I was puzzled by his actions, so I inquired about him. We were told that the man was called Joash. He surprised many by accepting to be baptized, for many years Joash had refused to be baptized. Joash told his hearers that, “For so long I have always wanted someone to convince me about baptism from the Scripture, but since I have since heard it from this training nothing now hinders me from being baptized”. This statement helped me understand the urgency that was in Joash during the baptism.

After Mr. Wilson baptized people, we gave them the baptism cards. He also met with church leaders exhorting them to be strong in ministry and also gave them the gift of the Bibles. People were blessed to have this kind of training and requested that we keep visiting them often to train them in all aspects of leadership to ensure multiplication. Thank you team; thank you our supporters. Your service and support save and transform many lives. God bless you all.

Wow, wow, wow, Jesus is alive and well.

God Bless Uganda. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved.