Amen, Duncan Ojiambo has reported the following

I am excited to report about God continues to do through GCM/GSM in North Western Uganda. Below is the report of what has happened in the last two days.

The gospel has to be preached in season and out of season. Here in Nelebe community we experienced abit of apostle Paul's experience in Acts 19:8-10. The objection in Nelebe almost made it impossible for us to preach in it's small town. Getting a place to park the truck for open air preaching was a struggle but as God is good, the spot was got and the gospel was preached.

Amidst eminent opposition and criticism during the open air teaching and preaching, there are some people who were convicted by the message but feared to express their receptiveness before the crowd and opposers. Though they didnt expose themselves, we were able to notice them and invite them for further teaching.

Just like Paul used the Lecture hall, we had no any other place apart from the jackfruit tree shade at the "person of peace's courtyard". We gathered here in a small group teachings for 2hours before the second open air. We started with the Great commission using the SWORD METHOD and went right away to 3 Circles. We also gave them opportunities to ask questions. It was a tense and fruitful group meeting.

We believe that through these 11 people we had at the person of peace's courtyard, the gospel will reach far in this community which doesn't have a Church of Christ yet. Out of the 11, 3 gave their lives to Christ Jesus and they have been baptized immidiately.

We believe that the church has been planted in this village today. That was the reason why this person of peace invited us. He wanted us to help him plant a church.

Amen. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved.