Danny Torrez training his Timothy: Jose David.

Gospel Share Missions: The 4 Fields of Discipleship.

Danny shares the following:

"During my support in the Evangelistic Campaign on May 31st I started the training with one of my Timothy, the training of The 4 Camps of Discipleship was started by the great mercy of our God to the brother. During the night he is training and we are going to put him to practice on the field evangelizing house by house, he was attentive.

Introduction lessons were revealed to them:

Introductory Lessons (Gospel Share Missions)

Lesson 1. General Sketch of Training.

Lesson 2. Great Vision, it's Global, Genesis to Apocalypse.

Lesson 3. Great Vision, it's Local, Shocking Facts.

Lesson 4. Panorama of the 4 Camps.

We were also practicing, I trained the brother with the following tools:

1. Empty Field (Startup Plan) with tools:

A. Relational Map

B. People of Peace.

with very positive results by the grace of God.

Continuing the Sowing Field (Gospel) with the tools:

A. 15 seconds of testimonies.

B. The 3 Circles

C. Hammer of Baptism.

Participation could be obtained by very active brother.

Excellent Danny, what you are doing is the center and heart of this training: Developing others to develop others! You are being a role model for everyone, keep it up Danny, good job, well done.

Glory to God!