Amen, Robert Hara has reported the following from Tanzania

It has been another good week for the Tanzanian Gospel Chariot Missions Team to work at Uyole in Mbeya. There was a great moment where the team planned to work tirelessly day and night for three days in order to leave no stone unturned. The team planned to have Four Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training early in the morning up to 10:00am from there was door to door preaching campaign. We divided ourselves into nine groups to go on door knocking preaching, then had public Crusade from 14:00 to 17:00 hours. Later on from 19:00 to 22:00 hours was again Four Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training in order of giving up ourselves to finish the whole course of Four Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training.

Great news that we were accompanied by Br Isaya Mwayinyekule who attended the training course for the first time in Daresalaam. This brother was trained by Br Tom Opondo from Kenya and Br Duncan from Uganda. But was silent because he did not know where to start and now we have given him the key in this region of Mbeya together with Br Frank Mwashikumbulu the Headteacher of Chimala Bible Institute, Br Remmy Joseph Mfaume an English Bible teacher at Chimala Bible Institute who is working with the Churches of Christ in Njombe Region. Br Alforce Simeon also a teacher at Chimala Bible Institute with all the Students have welcomed this Training and ready to do it in their various congregations when they will be going on holiday in few months coming. But Br Isaya, Br Mwashikumbulu, Br Remmy, Br Alforce and Br Emmanuel Mugara from Itumpi are very excited and ready to start practicing it in their institutions, regions and homes.

As the Chariot was working at Uyole Church of Christ in Mbeya City 2 souls have been added to the church through baptism, many people welcomed the Gospel while visiting them in their various homes. While on gathering yesterday on Sunday Services, we were visited by 3 new families showing that they were connected with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now in Tanzania 13 souls have been baptized, 4 Restorations and many prayer requests. This Chariot is now in Kyera District for the last week of working here in Tanzania and will be at Ngisi Church of Christ close to Kisumulu Border post. Praying that we should be allowed to extend with two days, for our last day of staying in Tanzania is on Friday 26th August but the meeting was planned to finish on Sunday 28th August.

Keep us in your prayers as we will be meeting the Immigration Officer and Custom and excite Officer on Friday for two Days extension of both, the vehicle and our vistas.

Leaders from Uyole Church of Christ thanked the leadership of Gospel Chariot Missions and the entire leadership of Chimala Bible Institute for allowing this activities to take place at Uyole Church of Christ. We thank you all brothers that you are encouraging us through your prayers and special training that now you make us continuing make Disciples who can disciple. May God richly bless you.


Amen Robert and Lyman. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved