Amen , Brother Charles reported the following:

Brother Alex Bundor of Sierra Leone has sent this Report:

We are thankful to God for giving us the privilege of World Bible School graduation program's funds that, enabled us to Kabala Town in Koinadugu District, northern Sierra Leone for this Training. Late last year, Brother Charles of Ghana helped us with some personal funds that helped us to use another World Bible School Graduation to Train leaders of Sierra Leone from various Districts in the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication. Our Brothers from Liberia came over to support us. This is what has encouraged the churches to invite us.

The Trainers this time were:

Brother Jacob O. Sesay

Brother Momoh Bockarie and

Myself - Alex Bundor, all of Sierra Leone .

The Journey to Kabala was very challenging. In the process, we were involved in an accident where the vehicle was damaged. Graciously, none of us were injured and the vehicle was taken to the garage for maintenance whilst we continued on the journey to Kabala with a public transport. The attendance for the training was very much encouraging. There were 58 participants for the 5 days Training. These are so excited and in a hurry to go and train other disciples by God's Grace, Amen ! The participants practiced the tools and were encouraged to keep on practicing the tools as they will be using them with others for them to be obedient disciples who go and make other disciples. God blessed our efforts with 8 Baptisms on the last day of the training. We are excited by the expansion of the Kingdom of God. To God be the glory, Amen . Brethren, I am kindly asking to remember them in our prayers for them to remain faithful in the Lord and bring their Family too. Thanks be to God for all involved.

Amen Brother Alex Bundor and the Team. Wow! This is great and amazing seeing you brothers committed to train the saved to win the lost in such a way that nothing would hinder you, not even motor vehicle accident. You are are really on fire for Jesus and keep it up! Praise God for the 8 new souls won to Christ. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .