Training with Danny Torrez and Yadira Zeledon .

Gospel Share Missions.

Danny reports the following:

On May 14 culminated the training of the 4 Camps of Discipleship in the Church of Christ in La Ceiba, thanks to our God the brothers expressed their satisfaction in the training, were attentive and with an active participation in classes even teenagers could understand very well well the classes of the Discipleship of the 4 Fields, implemented the practice of the Tool 3 Thirds where they work in equipo and where they explain what they will be requested to reinforce learned through theory, verbal expression and recr e active. They were given the leadership tools such as: The 5 levels of leadership, Iron on Iron and culminated with the MAOI Principle. We thank the brothers for the great disposition they had in taking advantage of this teaching, we know that they will do a great job in the Church for the knowledge gained. It was a pleasure being able to coach my brothers. Always grateful to the brothers of Gospel Share Missions for trusting us and making this work possible

Great job Danny, you and your wife are a young couple that God is using to bring breath of life everywhere they go. Continue serving the Lord with that zeal, for nothing you do is in vain.

Thank you Lord and everyone involved.