Brothers Antonio and Angeles compare this wonderful salvation story:

“1) Sister Angeles was trained less than a year ago and put into practice the tool of the Relational Map with some cousins of her husband Toño, that is, me, this server.

2) Angels and Toño went from 2 in 2 to see if our cousins Manolo and Mary Coco were People of Peace.

3) When we meet with this Casa de Paz we preach the gospel to them using the 3 tools of the Campo de la Siembra. All the same day!

4) By asking them the question, what prevents you from being baptized? Our cousin Mary Coco says "nothing" and said she wanted to be baptized but in a Christian denomination of her locality.

After quarreling with them and explaining to them that the Lord adds every day to the church those who were to be saved and some other passages from the hammer of baptism, they understood that they were supposed to be baptized in the true church.

5) Toño and Angeles we are in America. Manolo and Coco live in Mexico. Big trouble to baptize them! BUT NOT FOR THE LORD ALMIGHTY

Brother Enrique Monroy lives in Guanajuato Mexico less than 1 hour from Manolo and Coco and went to visit them.

Our cousins were amazed and content with the love, simplicity, truth, knowledge, and PEACE that brother Enrique, his wife Juanita and sister Eustolia Rico brought to the home of Manolo and Coco. That's when the 2 decided to get baptized IN THE CHURCH OF CHRIST.

Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Simple, Biblical and Playable Tools. Glory to God!

Welcome our new brothers in Christ Manolo and Coco from Tarimoro Guanajuato Mexico. "

Wow Antonio what an awesome and very encouraging story about the love of lost souls. We see the Lord moving and using His servants to save. Now I am certain that Manolo and Coco will be trained in the field of growth and harvest, getting ready to then go to the empty field and find them their peacemaker to repeat the process, making disciples that make disciples.

Glory to God!!!

Thank you Lord and everyone involved.