Amen , Brother Osita had reported the following on Monday:

I am super excited to forward the report from my Comrade in the actualization of God’s Big Vision and Mission.

Obeten Oka Okoi reports:

The report on our work at the Ikwo South East Seminar held at the Church of Christ, Oferekpe, Ikwo, Ebonyi State, is here presented.

In continuation of the effort to train disciples who will make disciples that multiply, Frank Abuoma Francis, Chidi Chibunna and I (Obeten Okoi Oka), were with the brethren at Oferekpe during the Ikwo South East Seminar, Ebonyi State.

The programme featured lectures on leadership and two-day open-air preaching, which was anchored by the Team. The 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training featured prominently in the three (3) days programme, from the 12th to the 14th of October 2023.

The Exposition of Matthew 28:18-20 exposed the participants to the relatively new concept of true discipleship and a better understanding of the passage. The Brutal Facts humbled them and opened their eyes to realise the number of “lostness” in the area.

Generally, it was a fruitful exercise as we trained 56 participants, comprising members, preachers, elders and over 7 visitors who came to witness the programme. Also, one (1) soul was harvested after the deployment of the Relational Map, the 15 Seconds Testimony, Jesus' Story in 3 Circles, Baptism Hammer, and Church Health Circle. He is Bro. Arthur Success.

The members who attended from several congregations were humbled as they realised the simplified nature of the 4 Fields method of making disciples who multiply. They gave their "I will" statements with the promise to go forth and make disciples who make other disciples, continue the good work, use the training to change their lives, and lead souls to Christ, to the glory of God.

The fire is on. Team Ebonyi is ever grateful for being found worthy to serve. Commit us to God in your prayers. To God be the glory.

Amen Brother Okoi. Keep up with good work of training the saved to win the lost. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .