Amen , Brother Daye Jnr reported the following:

Date: February 17-19,2023

Location: Mannah Camp , Grand Cape Mont County

The team arrived at the camp at 9:45 am. It was Interesting to know that this is the only congregation in Grand Cape mont County as it is a Muslim dominated area. Being a concessional most people were at work during our arrival. As agreed upon before by the host and Chariot teams, we embarked on outdoor evangelism within the camp. We also extended trip to D8 Clerks Quarter about 5 minutes drive from our base. We divided tracts and invited them to the training scheduled bat 3pm. At 3pm sharp, training commenced and 36! participants were present.

Day 1 training covered the the exposition till the your story in 15 seconds. Participants were so amazed to understand the difference between a disciple and a Christian. They understood that being a disciple is more important than being a Christian. They also confessed that the brutal facts had revealed their weaknesses and promised to work in their weaknesses. The church had been in existence in 25 years without bearing any fruit at all. The training ended at 6pm. The night preaching started at 7pm with the passion of Christ and a theme on ," Is your heart pricked like the Israelites" Acts 2:36-38. The sermon lasted for 20 minutes , with an audience of 450 persons.

Day 2 started with same outdoor activities in the morning, first by meeting more than 800 company workers in their morning devotion, and shared the word of God with them, shared tracts on them and invited them to both the training and the night teaching and preaching. After which, a house to house evangelism was done till 12 mid day. Training commenced at 1pm starting with Jesus's story till the Church Health Circle. At the end of Jesus's story, they surely confirmed their various standing points in the Lord, and each promised to work on their lifestyle to be back to the love of God through Christ. Training ended at 6pm with sharing in delicious bowls together. The team and most of the members went went to Clerk's quarters for the night session which involved teaching, preaching and passion of Christ.

Topic taught was, "The identity of the true church of the Bible" . It was so interactive as most people never were aware of a Church in the Bible. About 600 persons attended the night show. The night show ended at 10 pm and we headed back to our base. The Sunday worship composed of 66 persons, and the quality of a good disciple 2Tim2:1-7. It was so interesting to determine the various attitudes of a disciple, evangelist and a faithful Christian. The people of D8 clerks quarter requested for a congregation to be planted there after the teaching on the identification of the true Church. We had also seen the need to plant churches at other 4 different areas in this county. The main areas are Robert Sports, Dinner, Tiennie and Bo Waterside. This is what we are presently working on . Finally, we drove back to Monrovia at 2:30 Pm.

Amen Brother Daye Jnr and the Team. Praise God for the 3 new souls won to Christ. This is really great and wonderful brethren as you trained the saved to win the lost. Keep it up for Jesus as you spread across your regions like wildfire . Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .