Amen , Roberts has reported the following.

Little by little the Gospel Chariot missions Truck is doing great work. Now it has covered one week since it entered in Malawi. In this one week the Chariot has covered three places. On Tuesday we went to Masasa Church of Christ in Mzuzu City where one soul was baptized and added to the Lord’s church. On Wednesday we were at Kavibale Church of Christ still in Mzuzu City where 17 souls were added to the Lord’s Church . In these two places we worked with Br Peter Sango Chirwa, Br Joy Mkoloma Chirwa, Br M Kanyika, as a team we were hosted by Br Mughogho and Br Gama of Masasa Church of Christ, then on Tuesday our Team was blessed by Br William Thegha from Maturi Church of Christ and Br Mweso from Sonda Silos Church of Christ . In all these places we were lead by Br Moster Kanyinji. On Thursday was our travelling day from Mzuzu City in Northern Region to Golomoti in Dedza District in Central Region of Malawi for Three days Tent meeting.

While at Golomoti Church of Christ, this Malawi Chariot was joined by preachers from Lilongwe, Mchinji, Liwonde , Salima, Ntcheu, Dedza where we were lead by Br Aubrey Malire. At Golomoti 25 Souls were baptized and added to the Lord’s church, 16 WBS registered Students. Now we have 43 Baptisms and 16 WBS Students who are registered and given introduction lessons ( The Way to Life). All are registered at Golomoti.

The work went well because the Church leaders at Golomoti decided to go on Door to Door preaching on Saturday and we had separated classes of women which was taught by Our Br Aubrey Malire , the Co-ordinator for Central Region of MalawiBr Dairesi B Gama who is a co-ordination in Eastern Region of Malawi. The Chariot is now in Monkey Bay for Tent cleaning at Lake Malawi before we go on open Air meeting at Ntaja in Machinga District on Tuesday Which is in Eastern Region of Malawi.

Amen , Great work. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved.