Forwarded by Brother Biodun.
Bro. Gideon Ofoegbu reports as follows:
The report of our training at Church of Christ Ihiagwa Imo State
The training was carried out by brothers Nwanguma Christopher, Chidi Chibunna, and Ofoegbu Gideon from 13th - 15th March 2025.
To God be the glory, we have recorded another success in our efforts to develop disciples who multiply as the Imo State team returned to Church Of Christ Ihiagwa for the second phase of the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training
The training commenced with the emphasis on Matthew 28:18-20 and a review of the big vision of God, the Brutal Facts. Deliberatly and intentionally using the 3Gs the House of Peace was introduced and expounded on the first day, focusing at encouraging the congregation to form groups in the community that multiply, and as expected the participants were excited that they can use the Sword method to study in the relational maps.
The simple tools were carefully explained, and the participants were given the opportunity to practice the various tools to further enhance their learning. Though no baptism was recorded, We were thrilled to see the members' commitment to making disciples and their willingness to take the Gospel to their relational maps. Certificates were issued to participants. we had many invited visitors, and the team, after the training, embarked on an Open Air Preaching at their market square where participants were given the opportunity to practice more. Training workbooks were distributed to every participant. Forthy Nine (49) participants were trained.
Please pray for the local congregation we trained and the Imo team at large as we continue to spread the Gospel and make disciples.
Bro. Ofoegbu Gideon reporting.
Wow! Amen and praise God Brother Gideon and the team for the wonderful work of the Lord, keep it up for Jesus . Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .