Amen , Brother Osita has reported the following:

I am super excited to forward the reports from my Comrades in the actualization of God’s Big Vision and Mission as Nigeria is lit up and firing from all cylinders. Hallelujah!!!

Chidi Chibunna reports:

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

The 4 Fields Multiplication Training held in Nnobi Township Church of Christ, Anambra State, took off on Sunday 19th to 20th February 2023. A 4-day training earlier scheduled for 22nd to 25th February 2023, was interrupted by the upcoming election and the security situation in the Southeast, however it was massively attended by 81 participants, the Team led by my humble self Chidi Chibunna was joined by Bright Osuigba as we took turns to explain the simple, biblical and Reproducible Tools needed for the actualization of God's big Vision.

Being the first phase of the training, brethren took turns to practice the tools, and we're excited that they now have a better and simplified approach to spread the good news

The efforts of the training were blessed with 2 baptisms, ThankGod Ekebe and Chinecherem Ekebe were baptised into the kingdom.

The second and last phase of the training was rescheduled instantly by the church out of excitement, the Team will be returning to Nnobi Township Church of Christ on 12th and 13th March 2023, even as they promised to begin to use the tools. To God alone be all the glory.

Chidi Chibunna adds:

My Comrade, Bro Vincent Ogbonna wrote from Awada Church of Christ: Using the relational map, a sister invited this soul to church on Sunday and after using the 15seconds testimony and Jesus story in three circles, I applied baptism hammer on Monday and he submitted to be baptized into Christ. Let's welcome bro Obinna Nwabueze to the fold and pray for more growth. Amen

Emmanuel Ugwumba reports:

We are excited and grateful to God for granting us the opportunity and ability to take this wonderful tool of evangelism to Minna, Niger State, Nigeria.

The exposition of the Simple, Biblical and Reproducible Tools of the 4 Fields was a humbling experience to all present. It immediately activated the urgency to reorder the ways in which God's business is being done before now in the participants. The training took place on the 18th and 19th, February, 2023. A total of 38 people participated.

Two brethren came all the way from the Church of Christ, Bida, for the training, and the preacher of the Church of Christ, Gwada, also joined in the training. These are far distances from Minna, and we are particularly happy with this as they will now spread the message and training in those districts.

We had three trainers on hand for the training. Ugwumba Emmanuel, David Akpata, and Effiong Solomon. We thank God for all His Mercies.

Amen the Nigerian Team. This is really great and exciting seeing the work of the Lord spreading across the regions like wildfire . Praise Hod for the new souls won to Christ. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .