Amen , Brother Osita reported the following:

I am super excited to forward the reports of the trainings done by my Comrades in the actualization of God’s Big Vision and Mission.

Chidi Chibunna reports:

The 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training held at Akpulu Street Church of Christ, Okpoko, Anambra State, Nigeria registered a total of nine (9) baptisms. Hallelujah!

A total of 41 brethren were trained. The Jesus Story in 3 Circles and Baptism Hammer were extensively dealt with to the understanding of the participants. The congregation is requesting for extension of the training to be done in January, 2023 to help them understand better and consolidate on the gains so far recorded.

The Trainers were Chidi Chibunna and Testimony Ohakwe who are very grateful to God for His wondrous works. To God Alone be the Glory. Amen.

Again, Chidi Chibunna reports:

The 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training in Church of Christ Ugwuagba Obosi which started on the 14th Dec 2022 ended on 17th Dec 2022, a young congregation at the heart of Onitsha. This training was a build up on the efforts of the Preacher Evang Chibueze Ibeh who did an initial training in October. A total number of 12 persons attended the training. The excitement and determination to put the tools into use was obviously expressed by participants. A review of the lessons and emphasis were made on the Empty Field, Seeded Field and Growing Field as participants took turns to practise.

The Trainers were Chibueze Ibeh, Bright Osuigba and Chidi Chibunna.

Amen Brother Osita. Wow! Praise God for the New Souls won to Christ and the 42 people trained. Great and exciting works as we nearly end the year. More excitements and fire coming across the East, West, South and Central African Countries about people TRAINED and people WON to Christ. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved.