Amen, bro Osita has reported the following

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!! The 4 Fields Discipleship and Church Multiplication Movement is gaining momentum in Nigeria and it is just amazing. The size of the population of Nigeria is so large. It is almost the size of the rest of West Africa and this makes it sit in a vantage position for this divine movement and glory be to God that the Big Vision is gradually being achieved.

I left Abuja on Wednesday 1st June, 2022 being led by the indefatigable leader of the Nigerian Team, Peter Egure (Elder) to Warri enroute Ughelli in Delta State, Nigeria. We had on ground three trainee Trainers, Godwin Ojocheogwu, Moses Obatarhe and Jerry Owvromoh. They participated in the last training we did in the area and we decided to use this training to mentor them more and unleash them into the world to be, and make disciples that make disciples that multiply. Amen. With great joy in my heart, I affirm that the training that lasted from June 1 to 4 achieved its purpose.

The training recorded the highest attendance of 63 persons and 11 congregations in attendance including the 5 Trainers on day 2 of the training.

We started the training with the Exposition of Matthew 28:18-20. We emphasised that Jesus commanded us to go into ALL NATIONS and make DISCIPLES that OBEY Him. The Exposition really set the tone for the training.

We also deployed the Brutal Facts and at the end of the presentation, the brethren saw that if they continue with the current way of doing things, it will take about 43,000 years to get to All the LOST in the region. Consequently, they saw the need to embrace and adopt the 4 Fields Discipleship Model for being and making disciples that multiply. Infact, a brother called it "Evangelism made Easy." Of course it is SIMPLE, BIBLICAL AND REPRODUCIBLE.

The part that humbled me the most in this training was after doing the 5 Levels of Leadership, we asked them to identify the level they were in. The whole participants in humility confessed that they were not in any level yet. They confessed that they have not started at all! At that point, I requested that our Elder, Peter Egure should commit them to God in prayers. They all knelt down in a contrite heart as the prayer was taken. I was indeed humbled by their disposition and also elated that we could be part of this great reawakening and revival. The fire is indeed ignited.

The Trainee Trainers did a very good job and we are proud of them. We have also identified more Trainers that we will mentor and use to God’s glory.

The participants and congregations that were present also settled to be using the Three Thirds Method for their Zonal Meetings and Mid Week Bible Classes. God is Great!

Keep Praying for Nigeria especially because of the insecurity in our Nation.

May God bless you and all who are involved in the expansion of the Kingdom work in Jesus name.

Osita Onuora

6th June, 2022

Wow, this is amazing. I wish many many many many key leaders read this report. The brutal facts will explain and expose all of us. Oh Jesus have mercy on us. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved.