Amen, Lyman, Robert and Moster reported the following

Brethrens from Chinungu Church of Christ were very excited today with good lessons that were trained under Four Fields Discipleship movement.

Chinungu Church of Christ is at Ekwendeni Trading center. Over Forty leaders benefited from this four Fields Discipleship Training. Indeed we started this first touch of training God’s Big Vision done by Our Dear Br PS Chirwa who is now WBS Follow up Teacher in Malawi followed by Br Lyman Mpharo with Four Fields Overview. Then later Br PV Chavula who is Leader from Chibavi Church of Christ and former teacher from Church of Christ Bible College which is now Church of Christ Bible Institute who train the audience with the first tool to enter on an Empty Field (Relational Map).then Br Moster Kanyinji who is our Director of WBS and GCM here in Malawi came in with the second tool to enter on an Empty Field (House of Peace). Later on I finished with two tools to enter on Seeded Field which are 15 Seconds Testimony and Three Circles Testimony. If God allows we will on Wednesday go with the second touch with Baptism Hammer as third to enter on Seeded Field, then other tools to enter in Growing Field, Harvesting Field and Leadership.

The leaders from Chinungu Church of Christ thanked Gospel Chariot Missions who organized this training to take place at there place and all the teachers who worked on this day to train them these good lessons that will help them to spread the Gospel.

Amen brothers. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved