Amen, Moster, Lyman have reported the following

We are glad to be back safely from Kasungu Chisemphere and Two chiefs places. On 4th August Lyman and Myself left Mzuzu to do 4 fields trainings in North Kasungu... It was good to have Salick Ghambi who directs Mzimba school of preaching under Sunset School of preaching Learn teaching 4 Field tools after learning with us. We arrived at Chisemphere He taught Big Vision... Brother Lyman taught 4 Fields overview and 3 circles.. I taught 411.. We started this church in 2012 with our big chariot campaigns. 16 attended the classes from 3 churches. Young preachers Kapichila has worked hard to plant other 2 churches kavukula and Kadwadongo.

Next we went to chief Mabulabo and Milenje the church is 37 years old 45 attended. We continued teaching Big vision.. 4 Field overview etc. Brother Mtonga said in 37 years they have done nothing to establish new churches but through 4 Field teachings they have now been equipped.

6th August we arrived in Luwerezi 35 people attended.. The church is also 35 years old and is struggling to spread the gospel.. Brother Mwanza said with 4 Field new teachings... It can truly help and encourage every church to be evangelistic.

On 7 th August we were in khosolo where the church started with hardships.. Preacher who started the church died before staying longer with the church... Young men and few sisters are continuing to work hard... The church is growing... We encouraged them not to be discouraged of not having a place to worship... These young men organized a classroom at Kamubale Primary school with non Christians... Amazing... 25 attended the class of 3 circles... Brother Lyman taught very well. It's in very remotest area... Where we experienced no running water... No electricity and no phone networks... People are willing to study the Bible in the area.

Sunday we attended a gospel meeting at Nkhakama church of christ North Kasungu boardering with Zambia. It was good to meet some brothers from Zambia Lundadzi... Lyman preached brother Salick preached and I taught Bible Class.. 139 people attended.

They thank for the lessons and equipping them with Bibles in all the places we went.

The team came back safely..

Moster Reporting...

Amen, it’s exciting to see christians getting excited about lostness and reaching out. Keep it up. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved.