Amen , Brother Dunia reported the following two reports below:

Greetings! The new group in Ethiopia is still committed to their training and has begun leading training sessions in small groups. Brother Jacob Nhial and his team are meeting to share the tools they have learned with others and to lead some meetings in order to influence their relational map to join them. Please pray for this new group because no one's first steps are easy. Thank you for your prayers.

Update on Swahili group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Greetings! We simply give thanks to the Creator, God, for seeing the Swahili group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo grow and expand on a daily basis. It's amazing to see them move deep and wide; they've done a lot in the last two weeks, including worship services, 4fields discipleship multiplication training sessions, prayer services, children's classes, fellowship services, reaching out to the lost around them, and so on. It is very encouraging to see the new Swahili groups standing firm, their growth, and their vision for the sake of the lost souls. As you can see from the pictures, their visions and missions involve even elderly women. They are training with all twelve tools because the trainees are at different levels, and they have a plan to enter the third province very soon. Please remember them in your prayers for their goals to reach out to the people around them and in neighboring provinces. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this update.

Amen Brother Dunia and the Team. This is great update of what is taking shape in Ethiopia and Congo D.R. with the 4 Fields discipleship multiplication programs. Keep it up igniting people to be equipped with these Simple tools and spread across like wildfire . Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .