LIBERIA GOSPEL CHARIOT / SHARE MISSIONS - A Weekend of Discipleship and Church Multiplication Training at Faith Community Church of Christ, Bong County

LIBERIA GOSPEL CHARIOT / SHARE MISSIONS - A Weekend of Discipleship and Church Multiplication Training at Faith Community Church of Christ, Bong County

Amen , Brother Daye Jnr had reported the following on Monday:

Date : 6th - 8th Oct


The Faith Community Church of Christ hosted the Gospel Chariot team this weekend. The gathering was aimed to equip the young congregation with the knowledge and tools necessary to grow in their faith and contribute to the expansion of the church.

The training emphasized the importance of discipleship as the core of church growth. Attendees learned about various discipleship models and strategies to nurture spiritual growth within the church community.

Highlights : Two Souls were added to the Kingdom Through Baptism

Key Takeaways:l

1. Discipleship as a Foundation: Participants left with a renewed understanding of the significance of discipleship in building a strong and vibrant church community.

2. Practical Tools: the members gained practical tools and resources to implement discipleship and church multiplication strategies to help the congregation


The Faith Community Church of Christ’s 4-Field Discipleship and Church Multiplication Training weekend was a resounding success. It not only deepened the understanding of discipleship but also empowered participants with practical tools and strategies for church growth.

God Bless Thanks To Everyone That Made This A success .

Amen Brother Daye Jnr and the Team. This is really great and exciting and praise God for the new souls won to Christ and added to the church. Keep it up brethren being on fire and spreading across your regions like wildfire. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .