Brother Tom had reported the following:

Kenya Gospel Chariot 4 Fields Disciple Multiplication outreach made it to Chemamul Church of Christ in Bomet county. We are grateful for the little calm after weeks of Generation Z and millennials. We note that no report so far about any member of our congregations being victim of the demonstrations. Having said that, Chemamul mission was carried out well because the planners and organizers worked on details to ensure success of the mission.

Each day started with gathering all evangelists for prayers, reflection on the previous evangelism programs, grouping into small groups, door knocking sessions and open air preaching in the evening. The day closed with Jesus Films shows that was always packed with women, children and men. By the end of the day, people get reconciled to Jesus Christ and their hopes restored.

Thanks to the Lord for peaceful environment. Let’s keep praying for Kenya and the entire region and allow the Lord to speak into people’s lives.

Blessings, Tom Opondo.

Amen and Praise God brother Tom and the team for the wonderful work of the Lord you all continue doing, keep it up for Jesus . Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .