Amen , Brother Opondo reported the following:

The servants of God spread their wings to impact Kericho County with the Good News of the Kingdom of Christ. Hallelujah! We arrived safely in Kamelilo Church of Christ Kericho county. We were much welcomed by the Church leadership and the entire community. They were happy to get the Chariot for the first time. We conducted open air meeting in Kamelilo shopping centre. What a surprise that secretly their were people in Kamelilo community who have been following the activities of Gospel Chariot. This has been happening on Facebook updates. They were amazed when the chariot truck was opened for kingdom business. On the other side, small percentage of people in the community had different thoughts as to what Chariot truck is all about. Some said, God has remembered us with food relief while others run quickly to get fertilizer for their crops. And to the extreme, others stood far away wondering would this be one of the Pastor Kiande’s gospel truck? All these questions running in the mind of the community answered by explaining each component of our ministry. That is, Gospel Chariot Missions, Gospel Share Missions and Gospel Care Missions. When people in the community heard clear explanations through big speakers - they came one by one.

Kamelilo Church of Christ meetings ended with a graduation ceremony of Siriat Bible school extension students 8 were graduates of the year they praised GCM for the surport of materials and teaching of Discipleship. God is praised for this one gospel meeting - lives transformed and restored for Christ’s sake.

The ceremony was attended by the Speaker of Kericho County Parliament Assembly and teo Members of County Assembly. We had to give out Bibles to new converts and politicians present. Let the hear directly from God’s voice in the pages of the Bible. As we move to new territories, we need Bibles to place in the hands of people willing to begin walking with Christ, and being willing to boldly share the gospel.

May the Lord Almighty bless Kamelilo Church and community for great attendance and participation in God’s mission. There were over 200 adults excluding children. Amen . Our next update will come from Sotik Town Church of Christ and other churches in Bomet County.

Blessings, Tom Opndo.

Amen Brother Opondo. Keep it up spreading across Kenyan regions reaching out the lost and training the saved. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .