Amen , Brother Opondo reported the following:

God is praised for the amazing move by Lucas Oguta and I who made it to Misungwi in Tanzania. We report that Tanzania 4 Fields Disciple Multiplication training and discipleship tools is an eye opener. Participants made fulfilling comments: Easy to draw and embedded in scripture.

Disciple makers from Kenya embarking on a cross-border mission to work in Misungwi, Tanzania, is a wonderful example of international collaboration and partnership in spreading the message of Christianity. The team from Kenya brought their expertise and knowledge to Tanzania, conducting training sessions in two different locations: the Mwanza Bible Training Center and the Mwamanga Church of Christ.

The training focused on the "4 Fields Disciple Multiplication" approach, which is a strategic and practical method for making disciples and planting churches. This approach equips believers with specific tools and techniques to effectively spread the Gospel and multiply disciples. Some of the tools used in the training included:

1. Relational Map: A tool to help believers identify and understand their relationships with others, enabling them to strategically share the Gospel with their contacts.

2. House of Peace: A concept where believers seek out receptive households or individuals who are open to hearing the message of Christ.

3. 15 Seconds Testimony: A concise and impactful way to share one's personal testimony in just 15 seconds.

4. Baptism Hammer: An approach to encourage and challenge new believers to take the step of baptism.

5. 411: A method to train believers in making disciples, consisting of four key components - modeling, assisting, watching, and leaving.

6. Church Health Circle: A tool to assess and monitor the spiritual health and growth of a church.

Before delving into these practical tools, the training began with an elaborate explanation of "God's Big Vision for the Globe," emphasizing the overarching mission of spreading the Gospel to all nations. It also covered the importance of understanding the specific location and personal calling in fulfilling the Great Commission.

The participants of the training sessions were Bible students and church leaders who were intentionally chosen to be trained as disciple makers. They made a commitment to take the knowledge and skills they gained back to their respective villages and churches to implement and propagate the disciple-making process. This approach ensures a multiplying effect, as those trained are equipped to train others, creating a ripple effect of discipleship and church planting.

By combining strategic training with the passion and dedication of the participants, the hope is that the churches in the villages of Misungwi, Tanzania, will experience growth and multiplication as disciples are made, and new churches are established. This cross-border collaboration serves as a powerful example of how believers from different regions can work together to fulfill the Great Commission and spread the message of Christianity. All glory to God!

Blessings, Tom Opondo.

Amen Brother Tom. This is great and exciting, keep it up brethren for Jesus . Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .