Amen, Tom Opondo and Duncan Ojiambo have reported the following from their mission trip into South Sudan.

It’s with gratitude that I pen this message. I’m hopeful you are all well and tirelessly put your energies in the Lord’s work. It’s a yes as Juba Churches of Christ leaders came in number to grasp the Disciple Multiplication Tools. They have been following media posts of what the Lord does in the South, West, Central, and East of Africa. We had 58 leaders in number that represent the larger South Sudan.

I’m grateful to report on Elia Kuku - a graduate of ACC and a strong voice for the Churches of Christ in the Nuba Mountains. He’s been training in his space. We have put some encouragement in his heart. Nuba Mountains also called Liberated Area - centrally placed between South Sudan and North Sudan has beautiful history. It’s on its own not in North Sudan neither is it found in South Sudan. In 1937 Churches of Christ missionaries invaded the 99 mountains with the gospel of Christ. It’s through Nuba Mountains that South Sudan received the gospel of Christ. Brother Elia needs our encouragement and prayerful support for him to farther the Disciple Multiplication Movement. On the same note, I appreciate Duncan Ojiambo’s input into the training. Yes, two is better than one! Yes, Nuba Mountains calls for you to visit, and we’ll draw mission plans for Nuba Mountains.

That said, Gudule Church of Christ played good host to us. Brother Peter Ladu’s invitations was welcome by all 7 congregations in Juba City, and they have tasted the tools. It’s under his watch that Juba 4 Fields team is building. God bless Juba team as they will be part of the servants to invade neighboring lands with the Gospel of Christ. God be praised for the outcome of Juba 1 Conference: 8 Baptisms and a plan to plant a church. This is God’s own doing. Thank you Lord! Again, thanks to Gospel Chariot Missions executive board who authorized the purchase of sound system for Aweil Churches of Christ in Aweil state. Brother John Diing has done the purchases. He’ll plan transportation to Aweil. I hope it will bless the churches in that region to send Gospel message to far distant communities.

Amen and how exciting Is that. God is Great. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved.