Amen, Joseph Khati has reported the following

We had a wonderful three-day programme at Chunabhatti, Buxadwar, Bhutan Border, and it was all because of the grace of God. Permit me to share with you the specifics of our Journey as well as the success we experienced while participating in the programme.

2nd of June, 2022

On June 2, 2022, despite the fact that it was the birthday of my wife, I went toward the borders with my team co-traveler Yam Pulami, along with seven other DTh students and 4 fields fantastic trainers. I had a heavy heart as I had never left my wife alone especially in such occasions. But, Before I left, my wife told me that there is nothing more important than doing the work of God, and that I should do so with peace of mind and enthusiasm. This melted my heart and give me energy to move forward, It was a moment of Pride to get married to a girl who understands the heart of God and his ministry.

The first part of our journey consisted of a train ride that lasted for four hours. Dawa, a brother who lives in the area, and Pasa, a former student of BBC, came to the train station to meet us. After getting off the train at the station around 3 in the afternoon, we took another taxi to get to the foothills of the mountains.

Our ordeal started when we had to climb a steep mountain for the next two hours. The narrow path was so steep and full of liches that we needed to remove 10-15 liches every 15 minutes (blood vampires). In spite of all the challenges we faced and the obstacles we encountered, the Lord provided us with sufficient energy to continue climbing and to eventually reach our destination. I was trying to encourage all of our students and members of the team by saying that any journey that is taken for Jesus is a journey that is worth walking.

We ascended the mountain with a lot of enthusiasm and pleasure, and our wonderful 4 field trainer Binod Khati, along with his wife and other group members, was very kind to provide us with some good hot tea while we were in the middle of the ascent. We finally made it home at 8:30 in the evening, which is ironic given that by that time everyone else in the village was sound asleep.

The day came to a close with prayers and the serving of good hot food to which we were all treated.

3rd June 6, 2022

Even though we had asked the church where we could hold our event, the building was still more than a kilometre away from where we lived in the house.

We started walking in that direction, and thirty minutes later we arrived at our destination. The programme was extremely successful, and the audience had a positive reaction to it.

Another occasion in which I burst into tears was when I had the opportunity to observe my fellow brothers delivering the message and watching them doing reviews of the 4 Fields. When it came to teaching the review classes, Brothers Binod, Prakash, and Dipak did an outstanding job.

Thursday, June 4, 2022

The second day of the meeting also went very smoothly, and during this time, approximately 10 additional people joined the gathering. Our brethren were on fire for Jesus and rocked in their devotion to him.

After the meeting for the second day, we presented each participant with a certificate of completion for 4 Fields because the day after that was a Sunday and we were required to worship.

This is the traditional Bhutanese clothing that I wore while I was visiting Bhutan, and you may have noticed that I am teaching in a different dress code. Because this region of India was a part of Bhutan before India gained its independence from the British, my decision to dress in the traditional attire of the area brought me closer to the locals and afforded me the opportunity to touch their hearts.

All glory and praise be to God for everything that worked out for the furtherance of His kingdom.

The day as a whole, as well as the programme, was very enjoyable. I would like to thank you for your support and prayers.

In His service

The following day, after worship had concluded, we travelled back with the rest of the team.

AMEN JOSEPH. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved