Amen , Brother Dayakar reported the following:

Report from my beloved brother Chittibabu.

Modelling 3/3s to senior preachers.

Chittibabu is a very good and humble man and also he always try to connect with other preachers in various locations. Every month he gathers preachers who are working in villages. I know these are all preachers and mostly they favor for preaching, preaching, preaching. Instead, Chittibabu shared the importance of discipleship to enter into the fields and connect with your families and also encouraged them to connect with others.

I am so excited with his following report:

Today myself and my team leaders conducted 4 fields multiplication face to face training at gudiwada town with brothers from church of christ

18 preachers attended this training from different regions of gudiwada. Brother Ravi taught and practiced about relational map, brother Elisha practiced about person of peace, brother Srinu practiced 3 circle. We all started 3/3s church pattern second part of “Grow” in session 2 by using the Sword Method. The Bible lesson was from Ephesians 2:1--20. All preachers were so excited through the sword method. They said unto us that we will start in our churches.

Thank You the GSM family for prayers and encouragement for us.

You can see how he expresssing his happiness this is not one man show, we need to give chance to others to practice and practice.

Sword method is powerful to use in local family groups and local churches.

Chittibabu is going to start 3 groups in coming days they will be start working using the sword method every time. He loves to connect to preachers in various places.

I appreciate Chittibabu for his great efforts, he is a Disciple maker and he showed his team and they are getting better and better and regularly attending to online training.

Kindly pray and encourage him to do more work. God bless you my brother, your getting old but there is no problem because you training your children and your beautiful team.


Amen Brother Dayakar and more especially Chittibabu. This is really great and exciting seeing great work happening and spreading across your regions like wildfire and keep it up for Jesus! Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .