Amen , Brother Osita reported the following:

I am super excited to forward the report from my Comrade in the actualization of God’s Big Vision and Mission.

Obeten Okoi Oka reports:

It is with great joy that I present the report of our work in Ebonyi State. In obedience to the Master's charge to train disciples who will make disciples that multiply, Chidi Chibunna, Rueben Egwu, Frank Francis and myself (Obeten Okoi Oka) were at Ndiagu Akpurata, Ngbo Church of Christ hall, Ebonyi State, Nigeria. This place is in the interior part of Ebonyi North. We did the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training from the 23rd to 24th May 2023.

The Exposition of Matthew 28:18-20 exposed the members to the concept of true discipleship and a better understanding of the passage. While the brutal facts humbled them, having made them realise the number of lostness in the state.

In all, it was a fruitful exercise as we were able to train 27 members of the congregation amongst whom were 7 preachers. God blessed our efforts as two souls were baptized, namely Bro Nwegwu Chinonso and Sis. Ruth Agama. The brethren promised to continue the good work, worthy of note is the zeal of the Host Minister Bro Idenyi and Nwali Andrew who have shown commendable willingness to be used for the work within the area, some students in the institution where the training was conducted also joined with great enthusiasm except for the interference in their Examination.

Earlier, our Bro. Frank Francis, who was amongst the Trainers in Ugwuachara serving in Ikwo, reported 4 baptisms after applying the Baptism hammer.

The fire has been ignited. The team is motivated to deliver more with your prayers. Amen.

Amen Brother Oka and the Team. This is really great and exciting brethren, keep it up igniting the saved with these Simple tools and spread across your regions like wildfire . Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .