Reported by Brother Charles.


”Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20).

Spending 2 weeks in late December and early January for missions is something I’ve join Brother Lynn Nelson (PhD) to do since 2014, by the grace of God. Our work has mainly been to do workshops for congregations and their leaders on leadership and church growth.

We worked in Nairobi and Mombasa - Kenya, this year. Three other members joined me and my wife to form the Ghana team of 5. Also, there were 5 team members from the United States and one from South Africa forming the Facilitators’ team.

We worked first in December at West Nakuru, near Nairobi. There were about 600 participants from 16 congregations who traveled from far and near for the workshop. God glorified Himself as we planted the seed of the Word through the Disciples making process. By God’s grace, there were 6 baptisms at Nakuru West.

Also, Dindiri, in the Kilifi County of Mombasa, Kenya, was where we worked in early January. There were about 250 participants from 5 congregations who attended. Some of the participants were non-members of the church from the nearby communities. There were 10 baptisms by the grace of God. This brought the total baptisms to 16.

During the workshop, I stressed on the importance of Discipleship, Relational Map and Sword Discovery Bible Study, using the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication model. Brother Tebogo Ramatsui of South Africa, also reinforced same, highlighting the Brutal Facts and My 15 Seconds Testimony. Sister Joana Odoi, my dear wife, also reinforced these models as she met with the Sisters and the Youth.The other participants from Ghana - Michael Oppong, Priscilla Opoku Acheampong, and Getrude Larkai, took turns to engage the Youth on topics like - The Youth and Digital Culture, Depression and Mental Health, Preparing Adequately for Marriage, among others.

Many of the participants gave a feedback of their excitement and the quest to learn more. We encouraged them to put the little they had learned into practice and see the tremendous growth in their congregations.

Thank God for all who are involved and the continuous expansion of the kingdom through the collective effort of the 4 Fields Discipleship Training across the globe .

Shalom and have a Blessed New Year .

Wow! Amazing and so encouraging brethren. Amen and praise God for His good work through you all Brethren and keep it up for Jesus . Thanking You God always and everyone involved .