Praise God , Brother Charles had reported the following on Sunday:


”For not only has the word of the Lord sounded forth from you in Macedonia and Achaia, but your faith in God has gone forth everywhere, so that we need not say anything”

‭‭(1 Thessalonians‬ ‭1‬:‭8‬, ESV).


Some of the things that left us puzzled after the West African L3 Trainers Retreat were the level of lostness as portrayed statistically by Brother Charles, and using the Generational Map idea to fight the lostness using the Baby Churches idea by Dr. George Akpabli. We therefore mobilized the leaders of all the areas in Togo for a 2-Day brainstorming session in Atakpame, the middle of Togo.

Participants were drawn from the areas such as:

1. Avè/Lome - 19

2. Manémakou - 54

3. Notse - 11

4. Atakpame - 22

5. Sokode/Tchamba - 9

6. Guerin Kouka - 200

7. Badou - 6

8. Tohoun - 13

9. Dapaong - 22

The day was set apart for Prayer with Fasting. After early Supper to break the fast, the evening was used for Singing and Prayers. Brother Charles then took the participants, numbering about 115, through the statistics of the lostness in comparison to the present world population of over 8Billion. After participants were saddened and asked for the way forward, Brother Charles introduced the Relational Map and 3/3s that would led to many Baby/Daughter Churches to enhance our Generational Map by planting churches that plants other churches.

There were many who sought clarification on how this could be achieved. Other participants used the Guerin Kouka example as well as that of Cudjoe of Manémakou to answer them. Brother Charles emphasized the 3/3s Method and encouraged all participants to take their 3/3s groups seriously. He also encouraged them to pray and follow God’s lead in planting churches to reduce the lostness in 2024. Brothers John Morkli, Desire Amenyo Gbedivloh from Ghana, joined to take turns to answer various questions to the satisfaction and admiration of the participants before we ended the 3 hour program with another prayer session.

The second day was a Seminar on how to find Timothies, Encourage them to become better than ourselves and continue to work together in Unity. Brothers Akalou and Desire Gbedivloh took turns to facilitate this session. The participants were broken into groups to continue with the discussion to derive practical ways to work together in harmony.

They each brought a practical roadmap from their various groups. We were all thrilled when we heard reports from each area concerning what the Lord has done and is still doing among His people. It became so clear to us all that God is doing so much more than our reports could ever cover. As they reported number of congregations in each area, we totaled 356 congregations that have been established in Togo alone since post COVID-19 of 2021.

We parted company with great joy and prayed for fruitfulness in 2024. Many of the participants expressed the need not to wait until the end of the year to have such an encouraging meeting for the evaluation of our work in the kingdom.


As we left Atakpame in Togo, we traveled back to Dzodze and spent the night before meeting leaders of the Southern Area churches for a one-day Prayer with Fasting.

The theme of the program was, Revival for Spiritual Awakening. After series of prayers on several topics in preparation for 2024, Brother Charles was called to replicate the same topic he handled in Togo the previous day. The excitement once again was overwhelming, and the leaders were poised to use their Relational Map to reduce lostness.

Thank God for all who are involved and the continuous expansion of the Kingdom through the collective effort of the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication across the globe .

Amen the Ghana - Togo Missions. This is absolutely great and exemplary. Keep it up brethren being on fire working together in Training the Saved, Win the Lost and Plant many Baby Churches across your regions. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .