Praise God , Brother Charles reported the following:

”Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king. Won’t he first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand? If he is not able, he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and will ask for terms of peace” (Luke‬ ‭14‬:‭31‬-‭32‬, NIV).

Jesus obviously used war as a parable to draw attention to the importance of self assessment and stock taking.

To prepare adequately for 2024, it was important to Retreat, Review, Renew, Re-tool, and Relaunch our efforts for greater impact.


Thirty five (35) leaders, some with their wives, from the West African sub-region gathered from November, 21 to 24, 2023, at the Paradise Hill Hotel, Abetifi in the Eastern Region of Ghana for our Annual Retreat.

Immediately upon arrival, the team gathered for songs of praise and thanksgiving prayers until late in the night. This was after room allocations had been done. The songs of praise and prayers was interspersed with supper. The program which was led by Brother Arnold Dzah of Senegal, for the evening of 21st ended at about 10:00pm. Within the arrival night program, Dr. George Akpabli welcomed participants to the retreat and stated the purpose of our gathering. Bro Charles Nii Odoi gave a vivid detail of the program for the period.

Day 2 was Prayer with Fasting. The moderator, Brother Solomon Antwi Mireku, used 1 Chronicles 16:1-36 to set the stage for the day’s program. Various brothers were invited to lead various sessions throughout the day. Prayers were interspersed with very inspiring and reviving songs of praise throughout the program. The prayer centered on Thanksgiving, Forgiveness, More Kingdom expansion opportunities, More Donors to partner our efforts, Blessings for our sponsoring churches and individuals, Health for our team members and families across the globe, Travel mercies, and prayer for the Boateng Family and their Businesses as well as CMN, Gospel Chariot and Share Missions. There was an interlude for a Family time together and meditation. Brother Odoi took participants through a brief report of the work done so far for the year as of the end of September, 2023.

The Ghana/Togo Team had an annual goal of:

1. Share the Gospel with - 200,000/73,000;

2. Train Believers - 10,000/3,284

3. New Churches (3/3s) - 400/169

4. New Counties - 2/1

5. Equip L3 Trainers - 300/48

6. Baptisms - No target/5,692.

The result in 9 months is attached to each goal.

Discussing and evaluating our performance revealed clearly that a lot had been done but many of our team members failed to send reports. Brother Charles emphasized that though this was only January to September report, he knew that the Baptisms for February, June, and September for the Ghana/Togo Missions campaigns alone was almost 6,000. So having the overall Baptism figures below 6,000 meant something was amiss with reporting. This helped us to develop a system to make reporting easier from the various areas within the Ghana/Togo work areas. Evaluation of our work allowed other countries present to also learn from our mistake in order to improve their performance. As this issue was revisited the following day during the 2024 Goal Setting session, we agreed to maintain the Goals for 2023 in 2024, the only change was to establish 500 instead of 400 churches because of our focus on Baby/Daughter and House churches concept for 2024. It was also agreed that we change our fiscal year to October-September. This would enable a full one year report at our next retreat.

The discussion sessions which was lead by Dr. Akpabli and Brother Odoi, focused on Lostness, Relational Map, 3/3s Groups, Who is an L3 Trainer, and Generational Map. Realizing that over 99% of the world’s 8Billion+ population was on their way to hell, it was so alarming to all participants. However, assurance from Doc and Charles that strengthening the use of our Relational Map among our 3/3s groups to plant churches that plant churches and work together as mother-daughter and grandchild churches would give us a healthy Generational Map for effective multiplication. This calmed our nerves as we became hopeful once again. Our women expressed their interest to get fully involved just as everyone present resolved to go back and do more.

The countries present expressed their appreciation for being invited to come and learn from our experience. Opportunity was given to individuals to voice out which Tools they found it difficult presenting. Those who boldly spoke out were helped with how to train in those Tools.

The second part of this report will cover other key activities, report from the other countries present, Iron on Iron, and next year retreat.

Thank God for all who are involved and the continuous expansion of the kingdom through the collective efforts of the 4 Fields Discipleship and Church Multiplication Training across the globe .

Amen the West African Brethren. Wow! This is absolutely stunning and impressive seeing you together gathered planning for 2024. You are such an amazing Team, keep it up being on fire as you spread across your regions Training the Saved, Winning the Lost and Planting New Baby Churches. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .