Reported by brother Charles.
”For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them”* Matthew 25:29, NIV).
After re-training the Accra Team, we have started seeing multiplication through our Timothys. This has brought the idea to strategically target those working with the tools and re-train them on regional basis.
We (Charles, Solomon, and Eric) traveled from February 18-20, 2025, to meet those working in the Bono, Bono East, and Ahafo regions of Ghana. From those 3 regions, we had 12 trainers who are using the Tools to bring Additions in mind, but 11 were present. We worked with them to get them focus on Multiplication through the Sword Method, Relational Map, and the 3/3s Method. We also suggested to them that each should have at least 3 Timothys as they duplicate themselves in them.
With the new emphasis of the team being - Three Thirds Method (Discovery Bible study) in small groups, some of which shall become baby/daughter churches, this approach will help in the planting of more churches, convert more souls and the members grow in knowledge and spirituality by opening the Bible in their homes and with their neighbours.
The trainees were made to take turns in presenting tools like:
1. The 4 Fields Overview
2. Brutal Facts
3. 4-1-1 and
4. Three Thirds.
This was after Brother Charles had taken them through the difference between Addition and Multiplication, as well as our reason for the retraining and what we expect of them. Solomon and Eric also took turns to correct them where needed.
A great emphasis was placed on all starting their work from their Jerusalem. They were further charged with the responsibility of creating a team that will visit all the trained for retraining and redirection. The trainees were happy and enthusiastic for the challenge.
We were also excited to learn that though the Gospel Chariot Team reported 3 new congregations during their work there last year, 2 more have been planted by the team there. What elated us most was that Brother Lewis reported that he had used the tools to start a new congregation in a nearby village. Brother Lewis is the quiet type, and he did not speak during trainings nor sent any pictures concerning the work he was doing. A lot is indeed happening beyond our purview.
Please join us to pray for them for the 12 to expand to 36 to effect Multiplication soon.
Thank God for all who are involved and the continuous expansion of the Kingdom through the collective effort of the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication across the globe .
Wow, great work brethren. Amen and praise God , keep it up for Jesus . Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .