Amen, Charles Odoi has reported the following

The 3 days of 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training in Freetown, Sierra Leone ended yesterday with great joy and excitement. I thank God so much that Brother Solomon came here to train earlier. We’re now on our way to Liberia for the same purpose.

There was an average of 28 participants from 5 congregations in Freetown for the 3 days Training that spanned from Tuesday to Thursday. The Trainers were Charles Odoi from Ghana , Nathan Tears and Isaac Daye Jnr from Liberia , Jacob Sesay and Alex Bundor from Sierra Leone . We also brought in David Fondowa, an elder of the congregation and Brother Luke Emile also from the Tengbeh Town congregation to assist in the Training.

It’s always been our aim to identify talents and mentor them along the way to do exploits for the Lord. So bringing the Liberians along in partnership has been worthwhile.

The aim of this Training was to re-echo the initial Training by Brother Solomon in April for better understanding, brutalize the Brutal Facts for the participants to see the degree of lostness around them and to re-emphasize the 3/3s Method with the Practical Multiplication demonstration for participants to see that it’s possible to saturate their local areas with Disciples who make other Disciples till there’s no place left (Romans 15:23). By the grace of God, we achieved all of these.

When I brought in the population of Sierra Leone (8,311,397) to do the Brutal Facts, we assumed that 90% are far from God, which means 7,480,257 of the population were on their way to hell. As if this wasn’t scary enough, one participant said, the Christian population of the entire country is actually 13%. So he believed those really close to God should be about 3% and not the 10% I had assumed earlier. This made the Brutal Facts even more Brutal. We read from Matthew 18:14; 1Timothy 2:3-4; 2Peter 3:9 and realized that God doesn’t want anyone (0) to go to hell at all.

In our quest to save 10% of the lost (748,026), we realized we’ll need 7,480 congregations with 100 or more members. Meanwhile, it has taken over 40 years to have 8 congregations in the entire country with 100 or more members. Our calculation revealed that, if we continued with the same method that has been used for the past 40 years, it would take 37,400 years to achieve our target. This is where the participants agreed with those in The Gambia that there’s an urgent need for complete paradigm shift. Brutalizing the Brutal Facts got everyone of the participants even more scared and they resolved to rise up and make disciples who make other disciples, using our Relational Map.

The case wasn’t different when we divided them into a group of 4 to work on 4 Provinces in the country based on their different populations.

Later when did the Practical Multiplication Demonstration, where we envisioned the 4 Fields on the ground and began taking one person through it, who after being discipled, goes ahead to make other disciples, who make other disciples, on and on and on until they shouted, “There’s no one left to disciple ooooh!” The participants then realized that what we’re taking them through is actually possible and that they needed to be more serious.

As one of the Trainers asked, ‘what was the impact of the first Training they had in April,’ the response was, “it was good because it raised the awareness. But we didn’t do anything because we thought we needed funds from somewhere to go. But with the explanation of Matthew 28:18-20, and the fact that Jesus has promised to be with us always, we have no option than to begin, at least with our Jerusalem and Judea”

This made all the Trainers extremely exciting. Me especially. Interestingly, the leaders for the 5 congregations present had a meeting after we ended with the 5 Levels of Movement Leadership. We had used that Tool to impress upon them to work together as a Team to saturate the Country with Disciples who make other Disciples for the Master.

Thank God for all who are involved and the continuous expansion of the Kingdom through the collective effort of the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication across the globe

Amen. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved