Amen, Charles Odoi has reported the following

By the grace of God, 4 Trainers representing 2 Teams, arrived at Asasetre on Tuesday, July 25, 2022, and are Training preachers and leaders at Asasetre and Elubo in the Western Region of Ghana . These 2 communities are 64KM apart, and are both along the Ivory Coast border.

Since they both speak the same local language as the Ivorians across the border, this Trip is aimed at making Disciples who will cross the borders to go and make other Disciples in obedience to Acts 1:8.

The Team comprises of Solomon Mireku, Paul Ntem-Maanoh, Benjamin Siaw and Lawrence Lamptey, all from Accra. We were to travel with the Volta Team, but they are also busy Training in Togo and making preparations for the arrival of Brother Doc Turk and his Team in September. They have however sent financial support from Brother Doc Turk to the Team for this Training.

I returned from Liberia not feeling too well. So the Team had to travel without me as I take time to recuperate. They are doing great on their own. This means I could support West Africa, Africa and other Teams beyond the Continent while they take over the local.

As they arrived at Asasetre on Tuesday, the entire Team Trained at Asasetre on Wednesday, before Solomon and Lawrence proceeded to Elubo to begin the Training there on Thursday.

Solomon has sent this report:

Day two of the 4 fields Discipleship and Church Multiplication Training at Asasetre in the Western Region of Ghana . Paul has reported that Training started around 9am with the trainees being given the opportunity to practice the assigned tools.

The trainers, Paul and Benjamin took turns to continue the training. There were 25 participants in attendance from 6 congregations.

They are so far excited that they now have a better understanding of the Great Commission. When they saw the degree of ‘Lostness’ in the area, they bemoaned the way they went about evangelism in the past. They however expressed excitement to use the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication model henceforth for a greater impact.

For Elubo, on the other hand, it was Day 1 of the 4 fields Discipleship and Church Multiplication Training, and the Trainers were Solomon and Lawrence.

There were 19 participants in attendance from 3 congregations.

After the introduction, Exposition of Matthew 28:18-20, the 4 Fields Overview and the

Brutal Facts brutalised by Solomon, the participants expressed their disgust about the way they had pursued evangelism over the years. They were worried that they need about 2,990 years to win 10% of the lost souls in the Jomoro district with how they had approached evangelism in the past.

This has prepared their minds to learn the simple way to do it. It’s a new day and we’re ready to get them to practice more of the Tools and encourage them to go even beyond the border.

Do pray for the Teams as one completes today to join the other to round up tomorrow in a grand style.

Thank God for all who are involved and the continuous expansion of the Kingdom through the collective effort of the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication across the globe .

Amen Charles. Praying for you to recover soon. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved