Amen, Charles Odoi has reported the following

The 2nd West African 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training Workshop completed on Sunday with much enthusiasm during the Evaluation Meeting with the Preachers.

It was a follow-up Training for The Gambia, after the Ghana Conference in December 2021, and also a Booster for Senegal and Guinea Bissau in support of the marvelous work CMN is doing in the sub-region through Brother Douglas Akuamoah Boateng.

From Tuesday - Friday, the Trainings were in the evening with an average attendance of 42 leaders. On Saturday, however, the Training started at 10:00am and closed at 5:00pm with a rather low attendance of 37.

In order to equip Brothers Anum Thompson, Ghana's Missionary to Guinea Bissau, and his assistant, Abdou Sidibeh and Arnold Dzah, Ghana's Missionary to Senegal further, the three were invited to join me as Co-Trainers. Brothers Godson Achebe and Sang Pierre Mendy had already trained their other 3 colleague preachers, assisting them to lead the 4 congregations in the country that has been in existence since the 1970s.

Asking for what Tool the participants loved the most and capable of helping them win more souls for Christ, most of them mentioned the Jesus' Story in 3 Circles, others mentioned the Relational Map and a few others went for the 4-1-1 and the Baptism Hammer. Meanwhile, almost everyone of them said their eyes had been opened to the 'lostness' around them due to the Brutal Facts, and now understand Matthew 28:18-20 better. Some also mentioned that this Training had been a great revision for them, since they were already going through them in their congregation.

The Practical Multiplication demonstrated with them made them see that its possible to triple the number of congregations in Gambia within a short time, if they each committed themselves to Be Disciples who Make other Disciples, using their Relational Maps. Participants made the promise to commit themselves to do just that, and assured the Trainers that we'll hear about them soon.

During the Evaluation Meeting with the preachers on Sunday, they all expressed appreciation for coming over to Macedonia to help them. They said, though Gambia established the church in Senegal and Guinea Bissau, it was now needful for Trainers to come from those countries to help them.

In their response, both Brothers Thompson and Dzah said, they traveled to The Gambia as Co-Trainers though, but they had learned more from Brother Odoi, who has dedicated his entire life to the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training and impacting many lives across the continent, if not the globe.

The Evaluation also pointed out that, the examples and stories used by Brother Odoi on the Multiplication happening in northern Ghana and Togo among Moslems, and the one from Mauritania, where the Moslems are so much hostile to Christianity was extremely helpful. They said this is because, they sometimes thought their field was hard because it's different. But they now believe that the Tools can work everywhere.

A prayer was said for the work in The Gambia, Guinea Bissau and Senegal. Another was said for Brother Odoi and his family, Brothers George Akpabli, George Funk and Douglas Boateng for more resources to keep supporting the work globally, and the possibility of a Gospel Chariot Truck to work with these 3 countries.

Thank God for all who are involved and the continuous expansion of the Ghana work that has also overwhelmed other countries.

Wow, this is huge and so exciting. God Bless you all. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved.