Amen, Charles Odoi has reported the following

*DAY 2*

The participants yearned for more as we ended Day 2 at 8:30pm yesterday. We actually made the Brutal Facts more Brutal… and when they saw the level of ‘lostness’ and how the conventional method being used for close to 50 years has produced only 4 congregations with about 400 members, Brother Michael Mendy made a profound statement:

“We need a total paradigm shift!”

From Ghana (Charles Odoi), Senegal (Arnold Dzah) and Guinea Bissau (Anum Thompson & Abdou Sidibeh), we all arrived safely at late afternoon of Monday, May 31, 2022, by the grace of God. Our Hosts, Godson Achebe and Sang Pierre Mendy, received us with great joy and lodged us in our apartments.

This is our next meeting after the African Conference held in Ghana in December last year, so we talked and shared experiences from our various countries, magnifying God for what He’s doing, late into the night.

Day 1 recorded 33 participants as we introduced our meeting with the Exposition of Matthew 28:18-20. Participants were enthused to realize that the newly baptized isn’t a Disciple yet, so they yearned for more.

Brothers Sang Pierre and Godson had already Trained the preachers of the 4 congregations in the country. They were yet to Train the leaders, so our visit was just timely. So the participants were those playing various leadership roles in the 4 congregations.

In order to mentor my co-Trainers to be stronger in the Tools, I had shared the Tools for them earlier in the day. So I only played the role of guidance and supervision for them to handle the Tools better. Participants were so excited in their groups as we did God’s Global Vision together.

Day 2 started with the Brutal Facts and was led by Brother Sang Pierre of The Gambia . As 6 groups were given 6 different local areas and their population to see the extent of ‘lostness’, they were all overwhelmed with the volume of work to be done.

Using the Workbook to guide the Groups in the process, each Group realized that since the close to 50 years of the church in Gambia had produced only 4 congregations, it would take thousands of years to have the needed congregations in their local areas if they continued with the same conventional method they had used over the years. That’s when one participant mentioned the need for ‘total paradigm shift’ in order to achieve our purpose.

Brother Anum Thompson, of Guinea Bissau then took the participants through the Tool 1 - Relational Map. The participants saw this as the fastest way to reduce the lostness revealed by the Brutal Facts.

I then led the participants to go through the Tool 2 - Search for the Person/House of Peace, using the Groups. After adding stories of various places we have Trained, they were encouraged to accept that they can do it too, irrespective of the massive Islamic population in the country.

Day 2 actually ended with mixed feelings by the 47 participants. While some were excited about the new Tools they’ve learned, and some too, excited about better understanding of the Tools. Others were sad over the extent of lostness in the country.

Keep praying for The Gambia please.

Thank God for all who are involved and the continuous expansion of the Ghana work that has also overwhelmed other countries.

Amen Charles. God is Good. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved.