Amen, Charles Odoi has reported the following from Nigeria

As Charles joins the Northern Nigeria Team to work in 2 States for 2 weeks with his wife, Joana, Solomon is getting ready to join the Liberian and Sierra Leonean Teams to work in Sierra Leone.

We arrived in Abuja on Tuesday, April 05, 2022, and joined the Gospel Chariot Team for an Open Air Gospel Campaign on Wednesday evening. Brother Osita Onuora, who is one of the 4 Fields Discipleship Trainers, did the preaching that evening.

Thursday was the first day of the Training. Brother Ebenezer Tuffour, who was Trained in Ghana, but currently working in Abuja as a Diplomat, joined Brothers Osita Onuora, Peter Egure (elder), and Charles Odoi to do the Training. Brothers Peter and Osita have already been Training Brethren in Nigeria. So the coming of Brother Charles is to strengthen their effort and encourage them to do more as he shares success stories from Ghana and Togo.

There were 33 participants from 19 congregations in attendance today.

The skepticism was so glaring from the beginning. By the time we finished the Exposition of Matthew 28, almost everyone was amazed and wishing for more.

We ended the Day 1 Session with lots of enthusiasm and excitement from the participants. For their take-home, many mentioned the Gospel Virus (Relational Map), while others mentioned the Expo on Matthew 28.

Confession from 2 of the Brethren was that, they were scheduled to attend a funeral tomorrow, but they can't miss the Training for the funeral.

In another development, Paul Laari, a Trainer at Garu, who also helps with the northern Togo work, has baptized one Sub-Chief of the Lawra Traditional area, using the Jesus Story in 3 Circles. He didn’t have Printed and Laminated material, so he had to draw it on the floor and use it to teach.

Thank God for all who are involved and the continuous expansion of the Ghana work that has also overwhelmed Togo and elsewhere.

Thank You Lord and thank you all involved.