Amen, Charles Odoi has reported the following

The 3 Days of Training (March 22-24) was climaxed on Friday, March 24 with Restoration of Brother Yeboah at Abesim.

Brother Yeboah is the cousin of Brother Charles Banin, one of the elders of the Edmonton church of Christ in Britain, where the Ghana Team Trains via Zoom. The 2 were baptized on the same day, but Brother Yeboah had fallen away from the faith. All efforts to restore him had been futile.

We visited, admonished and prayed with him. We've already connected him with the Abesim Church of Christ caretaker preacher, and plans are far advance for him and his wife, Diana and the children to attend church service on Sunday.

Reporting on the other Teams, Brother Mark Yabi, the preacher for Kete Krachi church

and an instructor of the Volta School of Evangelism, was Trained by us last year and we have already Trained together with him at Kpassa and Ho. He has reported thus:

Hi brother, I just ended Training for two groups around Kpandai District in the Northern Region of Ghana from March 17 - 23. The people are so excited and they are asking me to come back and train them some more. Some are saying it’s as if they have now been newly baptized.

I was told that you were in the northern region. Please remember us the next time you visit the north and join me to see what I’m also doing here.

Also, Brother Francis Afrifa-Konadu, the director of Training for the Christian churches, who attended the African 4 Fields Discipleship Conference in December 2021, and joined us to Train recently in Tamale and Yendi to polish up, has reported of his Training at Tutukpeni in the Oti Region of Ghana. He immediately Trained his Driver and traveling companion, Brother James. So they are together Training other leaders and have been on the field for in the Oti area for over 2 weeks now.

Thank God for all who are involved and the continuous expansion of the Ghana work that has also overwhelmed Togo.

Amen Charles. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved.