Amen, Charles Odoi has reported the following

By the grace of God, there have been 34 Baptisms by the Ghana Gospel Chariot Team, Hurrayyyy!

After reporting 2 Baptisms last weekend at Twifo Eduabeng, the Team had 2 more Baptisms before leaving for Twifo Praso, the district capital, where they had 32 Baptisms. This makes the Gospel Chariot Team’s Baptisms 34 for the past week. They will continue their work in the Twifo area this week, before they move to the Agona area to work with the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication Team next week in that area.


The Team that traveled to Asasetre and Elubo have since arrived in Accra safely, after their work in the 2 Border Towns.

Solomon has sent this report for the final day work:

The Team at Asasetre completed their work on Friday and joined us here at Elubo, so we could work together on the final day. There were 25 participants from 4 congregations in attendance at Elubo, while Asasetre recorded 30 participants from 6 congregations.

The 4 Fields Discipleship and Church Multiplication Training at Elubo also ended successfully on Saturday and we have since arrived safely in Accra, to continue with our Sunday Trainings in the churches in Accra.

The Trainers were Solomon, Lawrence, Paul and Benjamin.

We began the day with the trainees practicing their assigned tools .

As we took them through the Leadership Development tools, Lawrence did

Identify your Timothy,

While Paul took us through the APEST, before I presented the 5 levels of Movement Leadership, we still didn’t do MAWL because we hope to visit them again in the future.

At the end members expressed their excitement on the simplicity of the tools especially,

My Story (15 Seconds Testimony)

Jesus Story

The 3/3s

Brutal Facts,

The 4-1-1,

Relational Map,

The Sword Method among others.

In his conclusion remarks, the Host Minister, Brother Samuel Nketiah, made known their plans to use the tools to establish 4 new congregations, one of which is a border town in Ivory Coast called (Nowie).

We were very excited to hear that because we prayed specifically for spill over into Ivory Coast before we set off from Accra. Though Charles couldn’t join us, we also know he’s so passionate about the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication spilling over into Ivory Coast. Our joy was therefore complete when the participants announced their plan through the Host Preacher. This has also confirmed our belief that participants hardly move into action with full understanding after just one Training. Some need to be Trained twice and others thrice.


Benjamin Trained at the Taifa North congregation while Solomon Trained at the Accra New Town congregation. There are more congregations calling for the Sunday Trainings, though we are yet to receive feedback on an extraordinary impact from any of the few congregations we have gone to.


Brother Samuel Adjapong Dankyi has reported 4 Baptisms at the Kwahu Range. There were series of Baptisms in the area after the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training in the area. Thank God the Harvest has started there again as we pray for more.


A lady who studied with the World Bible School (WBS) while in High School got Baptized. She had requested for Baptism when doing the course as a student. But she declined when I followed up on the baptism. Apparently, she did not understand.

We chat sometimes, so I visited her when I was in her neighbourhood on Saturday. I spent a few minutes explaining the Jesus’ Story in 3 Circles to her. As I asked the usual question, it ended in Baptism. I called the preacher and one leader with the Baatsonaa congregation to assist me, since she lives at that area. I have since handed her over to them after I took her through the 4-1-1 after the Baptism. This has also opened a door for us to do the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training among the Baatsonaa area churches. That congregation failed to join us when we did the Training for the Sakumono area churches.


Brother Luke, of the Team members at the Tchamba area in Togo has reported 2 Baptisms. There are more going on in the area, but we don’t get to know because of lack of communication and devices. I am traveling there to visit the brethren with Brother John Morkli from tomorrow. Your prayers are needed please.

In all, there have been 41 known Baptisms in the West African sub region in the past week by God’s grace.

Thank God for all who are involved and the continuous expansion of the Kingdom through the collective effort of the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication across the globe .

Amen, Thank You Lord and thank you all involved