Amen, Bright has reported the following

I had traveled to Monze Church of Christ set for the 4 Fields Discipleship Church Multiplication Training with one of my Timothys (Alick Sinyangwe). On Saturday 28th May in the morning, instead of the having the training the church elders first requested me to have a meeting with them and explicitly explain about the 4 Fields Discipleship Church Multiplication program. They were excited after I explained to them how important and effective the program is to helping churches. They too explained to me the main challenges the Church has of people decreasing in numbers every Sunday. They pursueded me we first revisit some church members who stopped coming to church to hear their challenges, encouraging and inviting them to the training which was rescheduled to the afternoon. It was so surprising hearing from the 10 homes we visited having many of them complaining of covering long distances about 4-6 km to access the only one church in Monze region. Others from the far ends could cover about 10km which most of them became unbearable.

I was disturbed in the first place when the elders changed the training to the afternoon, but it was worth it to hear for myself the reasons many people had stopped going to church and why the church is surely and rapidly dying. The church was planted in 1981 (41 years old) and since then there has been no other church planted in a region having a population of over 150 000 people. After teaching them the BRUTAL FACTS, they were sorrowful to discover that they have not done the needed work for God and they are supposed to plant 175 churches in the region. So, with the limited time which I had on Saturday afternoon and 30 minutes on Sunday morning during Bible Study, I managed to do the Introduction, Big Vision, 5 Parts 4 Fields Overview, and Tool#1: Relational Map. After seeing the effectiveness of program and how it may help the one existing church to grow and plant many churches by starting house churches after I teach them about the 3/3rds, they pleaded for me to do the second touch in July. The attendance on Saturday afternoon became 45 and later Sunday the turnout was 114. Three souls were added to the Body of Christ and took time to teach my Timothy (Alick Sinyangwe) on how to baptize. 20+ plus were also restored.

There is a big task to be done in that region. Asking for your prayers to go and do a second touch and possibly even more, and to be able to start many group home gatherings that will eventually turnout to be churches.

Amen Bright. Amazing. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved.