Training with Daiyani Beatón De Moya and Bryan González De Paz .

Bryan reports the following:

“The first day of Training was a success to the Glory of God.. because there was an excellent participation of the brothers who were also very active.

There were several setbacks, first the transport to be able to go to the Maya was very complicated and could not be possible, but on my E-Bike to see the situation of transport I went in it, but it is not prudent to do it because the distance cia to go is long and the irregular terrain and of Lomas, considerably limits its autonomy. In total it's 50 km from my house to La Maya, and 2 hours travel by bicycle...

To my wife going with me autonomy decreases even more...

But God is good and allowed her to be able to ride in a guagua taxi that we intersected after more than 16 km traveled, to then stay at another stop and take another bus to La Maya. And not to make the story so long, I arrived first than her to La Maya.

Now we are at another stop waiting to take towards Palma Soriano, because I had to leave the E-Bike at the house where we had the training, because it did not give time to charge the battery because we were without electric fluid almost all morning of the train love and therefore likely not reach for the Battery for the comeback. We left 2 hours ago and now we hope we can get transportation home.

From minutes before starting Training they cut the power until almost half day, at 11:20 am, and I could only use the big Power Point, with the projector, about 30 minutes.

That's right brethren, none of this stops us from working for Christ and serving the Kingdom of God.

God is good all the time and motivates us to move forward in the midst of difficulties, so is also Glorified

Bryan. What epic and amazing stories. It's like reading Bible stories of servants of God doing the will of our Lord.

Training the saved to win and training the losers.

May God continue to bless you and Daiyani and may the fruit of their labour be abundant in Jesus name. Glory to God!