Praise Gid , Brother Paul had reported the following:

Evangelist Charles Mazambi has reported the following:

We thank God who, through his disciples, still doing wonders in confirming that the Gospel, the Good New, still Powerful in saving human kind. In the effort of wanting to reach the lost in my neighborhood, I decided to do door to door evangelism…from one house to another, I met Reverend Pastor David EFATI BUROKO of the Mount Sinai denominational Church in Majengo suburbs, here in Goma, Republic Democratic of Congo.

After introducing myself to him and telling him what I am doing, we fixed an appointment for Bible Studies together. At our first meeting I decided to agree first of all on the importance of the Bible as the Word of God. We studied Word on Elementary Teaching, after that, I trained him on the 4Fields. While studying the second field, precisely while doing the Baptism Hammer and all the discussions around the circonstances of different baptism cases, the Reverend started questioning his previous practices. One among many things he is confessing is that he remember he had been baptized without having really been taught the purpose of baptism !

As far as I know this man from the day we met until now, according to his talks and his level of understanding, I have noticed a certain amount of honesty and the love of the truth. We met when he was a Reverend Pastor of a large number of people under the supervision of a woman Bishop...after learning some truths, he tried in vain to convince his superior to make some changes in their way of worshiping or doing God's affairs. David decided to join a certain prayer group where he is now...

As we keep on studying, the guilty conscience started bordering him... David noticed that he had no clear conscience before God (1Peter 3:21 ), then he taught considering to review certain things... As the doubts encreased about his previous baptism, he decided to be baptized biblically this Saturday 12 December 2023.

Brother David has started a new journey with Christ and we need to assist him. Please pray for this man to grow in Christ and pray for us as well so that we can be a better help to him...God may use him mightily in His Kingdom.

In Christ!

Brother Charles.

Amen Brother Charles. Wow! Praise God for the New Souls won to Christ and added to the church. Keep it up brethren being on fire for Jesus! Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .