We continue in Campaign, Community, El Cocalito. Congregation 27 November, Palma Soriano, CUBA .
"With lost souls in mind"
Bryan González and team share the following:
Tonight was a special night, I can assure you it was very special. The screening of the movie: "The Passion of the Christ" to the community was actually very shocking, for we think that if that is the representation how would it have been the reality of what Jesus suffered, and all this for the love of the lost?
After this the message of the gospel was shared, taking as a starting point what was visualized, and this was very special too, blessed be the Lord for all this.
About 80 people, including children, adults, church members and especially people from the community, were congregated at the mentioned place. In addition, we shared an exquisite coffee and a humble refreshment, according to our possibilities, which had more than anything the purpose of sharing with the community and living together with them, even for a few minutes.
We extend an invitation to you to be with us tomorrow for the Worship Service at the congregation meeting venue..
We thank God for this beautiful meeting, we believe that he blessed it from beginning to end. Glory be to God.
PS: We have a testimony to tell:
By plan, today we should not have electricity, because of the energy situation our country is living in. Actually since 6pm we shouldn't have had fluid, and.... happened what 15+ days ago didn't happen. Miraculously (never better said) we had electricity for almost 3 hours above schedule and were able to cover 80% of the activity without the power plant needed.
Where am I going with this...
God gave us a sample of His approval on what we were doing, because those who live in Cuba, know that the most affected areas aren't having these "miracles" happening to them. This was not a coincidence, God opened this as a sign. And just when the best moment of the movie came, they cut off the fluid and with the power plant we used the dark night was illuminated with the consumption of the sacrifice of Christ and his subsequent resurrection, remaining only the light that illuminated the screen and the Glorious Light of Christ, through his sacrifice.
People used to tell us: When the power went out, that's when everything looked better...
Glory be given to our God.
Pray for us. May God keep you all
Amen brothers and praise God for such a beautiful work, it's beautiful to see the church throwing the light of Jesus into the community, leading people to know the gospel and the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for the reconciliation of man to God.
Keep it up, with that passion for lost souls, focused on community, and walking among people just like Jesus did.
Thank you Lord and thank you to everyone involved