Amen , Brother Charles Kambungo reported the following:

The 3 Days 4 Fields Discipleship Training took place in Luanda, Angola, at the Luso-Africa Global Missions Gathering from June 1st to June 3rd. The event brought together approximately 90 participants from 5 Portuguese-speaking countries as well as some participants from other countries. This historic gathering marked the first time that the churches of Christ in the Portuguese-speaking world united for such an occasion, providing a unique opportunity for connection and collaboration.

The 3 Days 4 Fields Discipleship Training in Luanda, Angola, was a landmark event in the Portuguese-speaking world. The participation of approximately 90 individuals from 11 countries demonstrated a strong commitment to advancing the mission of the churches of Christ in the region. The trainers from the Gospel Share Mission, namely Brothers George Funk, Charles Odoii, George Akpabli, Douglas Boateng, and Bright Himakampa, played a vital role in imparting their expertise and knowledge of the 12 tools of the fields.

The training program provided a comprehensive understanding of the tools and their practical application in evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. Through interactive sessions, workshops, and role-playing exercises, participants gained hands-on experience and confidence in implementing the tools within their communities. The emphasis on practicality and real-life scenarios ensured that the training was relevant and applicable to the participants' specific contexts.

One of the significant achievements of the training was the establishment of a strong network and collaborative spirit among the churches of Christ in Portuguese-speaking countries. This gathering provided a platform for churches to connect, share experiences, and build partnerships for future endeavors. The newfound unity and collaboration will undoubtedly enhance the impact and effectiveness of their collective efforts to spread the gospel and make disciples.

Furthermore, the training equipped participants with the necessary skills and resources to engage in evangelism and discipleship effectively. By incorporating prayer walking, testimonies, Scripture discovery, and other tools into their outreach strategies, participants learned how to engage with their communities in a meaningful way. The training also addressed key areas such as discipleship group formation, church leadership development, and expanding through churches, ensuring that participants had a well-rounded understanding of the discipleship process.

The success of the 3 Days 4 Fields Discipleship Training can be measured by the tangible outcomes it produced. Participants left the event with a heightened sense of purpose, equipped with the knowledge and tools to advance the Kingdom of God in their respective communities. The training also served as a catalyst for future growth, as participants were inspired to implement what they learned and share their experiences with others.

In conclusion, the 3 Days 4 Fields Discipleship Training in Luanda, Angola, marked a significant milestone in the history of the churches of Christ in the Portuguese-speaking world. It brought together participants from various countries, fostered unity and collaboration, and equipped disciples with the necessary tools for effective evangelism and discipleship. The impact of this training will reverberate through the churches and communities represented, as participants go forth with renewed passion and purpose to fulfill the Great Commission.

May God bless all involved.

Amen Brother Kambungo and the Team. Wow! Great report and exciting work done over there training the saved to win the Lost so that you can spread across the Portuguese speaking countries like wildfire . Keep it up for Jesus igniting many with the simple effective tools for evangelism and discipleship. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .