Praise God , Brother Charles had reported the following last week Thursday:

As we get close to the end of the year and many organizations try to wind up, our teams are proving to be disciples of Jesus Christ as we try to obey Him when He said;

*”As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.”* (John‬ ‭9‬:‭4, NIV).

1. After our work in the Nanumba North District to start 41 new congregations with over 2,000 Baptisms in late September, 2023, though we left disciples there to continue building them up, it’s important to visit from time to time.

As such, Brother Godwin Senanu has visited the area to strengthen the brethren. God being so good, other villages have also been won for Christ. This is his report:

Jesus' Story in Three Circles presented to about 47 people at Jajini, an isolated community in the bush, close to Chamba and 19 gave their lives to Christ.

The gospel presented to about 605 people including brethren and 41 gave their lives to Christ through baptism at Binalodo, near Bimbilla.

So there have been 60 baptisms and one new congregation after the gospel was presented to about 650 people in 2 communities in the area.

2. Brother Willie Gley has also traveled to Kpalime in Togo, and this is a report from him:

First 4 Fields meeting in the newly constructed ZOMAYI CHURCH OF CHRIST.

Five Trainers and preachers went from house to house to invite people living around the church building to a seminar the following day.

The 12 and 13 December were the two days used for this activity.

On the 13 th December, the seven invitees were taken through God’s Global mission, Jesus story in three circles and baptism harmer. We plan to continue the process up to the end of the year. Brethren have planned to extend invitation to all who live in the vicinity of the church to the Watch Night Service on 31st December.

3. Finally, the Accra Team has done our last quarter meeting to strengthen ourselves and also deal with stuckages in order to do better next year.

As usual, Dr George Akpabli and Charles took turns to give directions for next year, encouraged the church planting efforts, and congratulated the team for great work done this year. This was after Solomon had reported on work done and Eric had led discussion on stuckages and the way forward.

There were 12 trainers in attendance and we were fed by Solomon’s wife. Apologies were received from Brother Douglas Boateng, Godfred Osei and Dominic Amponsah who couldn’t join. The participants were very excited when those who were not joining the Zoom Trainings due to data were promised data money from next year.

Pray Pray and Pray for many new churches next year.

Thank God for all who are involved and the continuous expansion of the Kingdom through the collective effort of the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication across the globe .

Amen the Ghana - Togo Team. This is absolutely great and amazing. Praise God the Saved were Trained and the Lost were won to Christ and added to the Church. Keep it up Brethren being on fire for Jesus spreading across your regions. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .