Amen, brother Charles has reported the following

A dream accomplished is truly sweet to the soul (Proverbs 13:19).

After using the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training Tools to baptize 1,000s into Christ and established 100s of new congregations in northern Togo and Ghana, the challenge has been the availability of Trained Preachers to take care of these congregations.

When disciples who are poised to do the purpose of their Master, dream together to bring Him glory, He surely brings their dream to fruition.

In October, 2021, I traveled together with John Morkli and Philip Hamenu of the Volta Team, and Solomon Mireku of the Accra Team. We went to Wa and Bawku in the Upper West and Upper East Regions of Ghana, to train the preachers and leaders in the 4 Fields Discipleship. Traveling through that long stretch, we saw several communities without the presence of the church. We also met few preachers, but each was taking care of not less than 3 congregations.

John looked at me straight in the eye and said, “Charles, you need to establish 2 Bible Colleges here in the north. One in the Upper East and the other in the Upper West!”

My response was, “that’s exactly what I’m praying for in my heart right now. I’m trusting God for a Discipleship based Bible College, but I won’t worry because the Gospel Chariot Missions is now making disciples all over the world, and the monies involved is just too huge.” We all agreed to commit it to prayer .

To cut a very long story of faith short, we have been able to start one at Bazua, near Bawku, in the Upper East Region, just last week. We have 21 people enrolled as the pioneer students. About 5 of these are already taking care of 2 congregations each, already.

Also, out of the 8 who joined from the denominational background, 3 are ‘Pastors’. As we do the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training every evening as a Project they must undertake as a module requirement, I took them through the Jesus’ Story in 3 Circles in an intentional manner. The Holy Spirit is already working in their hearts and they have started asking questions. We’re going to continue with the Baptism Hammer this evening and we solicit your prayers please.

We are so much grateful to the Bazua Christian Academy. Not only did they give us their Facility for this Bible College, but through the help of the Thornton Family in the United States , who started the Bazua Christian Academy, they have lodged we the Instructors as well as the Students, and they feed us 3 times a day. May God richly bless and replenish them abundantly.

We’re also grateful to the World Bible Institute (WBI) and her director, Brother David Hamrick. Not only have they given us their Curriculum to allow us to do this Diploma in Biblical Studies in their name, they have also provided Financial support.

The last but not the least appreciation goes to Gospel Chariot and Gospel Share Missions by allowing us to dream big for the Lord. His statement that, “We are not in competition, we complement each other”, has always been our guide in creating Kingdom Partnerships.

Thank God for all who are involved and the continuous expansion of the Kingdom through the collective effort of the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication across the globe .

Amen, great works there brother and the Team . Thanking all who are supporting the work God is doing through you brothers. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved.