I count it a blessing and a great honor to receive an invitation at short notice to share the gospel with the Ministry of Health Psycho-social Counseling Students through the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication training. Clever, Adas, and I conducted the 4 Fields Discipleship Multiplication training at Henry Dunant Memorial Lodge on June 3, 2022.

2 Timothy 4:2 gives us wise counsel to be prepared to share the Word in season and out of season to correct, rebuke, and encourage with great patience and careful instruction. The words, “in season" simply mean we should be ready to perform duties at the expected time, and “out of season” means we have to move in when something is unexpected, not on your schedule, or it may not even be popular with others; God sees what we cannot see and knows when souls need our help.

We began with the introduction, followed by the big vision, the 5 Parts-4 Fields Overview, and tools number 1 to 5.

It was an eye-opener for us all. It was so amazing to listen to some of the questions from students, especially on tool number 5. It was so wonderful to have an opportunity to interact with these wonderful people.

Our many thanks go to Brother George and the GCM/GSM team. I also want to thank all the supporters and partners for your prayers and support during this training.

The training ended at exactly 16:00 hours. We give God all the glory and honor for this training.

Lots of blessings to you all