Amen , Brother Mathew reported the following:

God gave us a great opportunity to conduct the 4Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training at Kumbakonam Church of Christ on 25.02.2023. It is amazing that Kumbakonam Church of Christ exists in the midst of many great Hindu religious temples which were built more than 1000 of years ago. It is such great joy to see a faithful Church existing and witnessing Christ there. Bro: Peter Govindaraja is very active in sharing the gospel here. In this training we decided to invite some members from other denominations in order to fullfil our 2023 mission. Two person from Seventh day Adventist, one from CSI and One from Pentecostal, another one from Hindu Background. We brought all of them to the training by using the Relational Map. After the training, Seventh Day Adventist members were happy and looking forward to have such trainings again. The Senior citizen by the name of Sakarai Amma from Hindu background is ready for Baptism on Sunday. Preacher: Peter Govindaraja is going to get him be baptized. Two Churches of Christ preachers also requested me to conduct such training at their local congregation to strengthen the Church and win the souls. After the training, the daughter of Kumbakonam Church of Christ preacher, Shanthini is ready to start an online 4Fields Discipleship Multiplication Training for Sisters in Tamil Nadu State. We continue thanking God for all GSM family members for praying for us always.

Amen Brother Vinoj Mathew. Wow! You are really on fire Brother. Keep it up for Jesus and work with connections in your regions. Thank You Lord and thank you all involved .